
what is a bank run?

A bank run is mass action with sweeping implications. However, a potential bank run had begun on certain money market funds. The global financial crisis that began in 2007 was centered around market-liquidity failures that were comparable to a bank run.

run on empty是什麼意思?

3.running on empty指「雖筋疲力竭仍打起精神繼續工作」,是形容自己很累時,能派上用場的一個成語。 有關注外媒的朋友,最近應該會常常看見a bank run或arun on banks這樣的字眼,這句話的意思可不是銀行跑路,也不是流動銀行。 一起來看看,幾個和run搭配的道地用法。 在理解bank run之前,我們先來看run on something這個片語。 run原意是「奔跑」,想像一下一窩蜂的人都跑去做某件事,就是run on something。 例如,情人節大家爭相買玫瑰,那我們就可以說: There’s always a run on roses before Valentine’s Day.


”A run on the bank” 或是簡化成”a bank run” 就是「銀行擠兌」。 Growing nervousness among small investors also led to a run on some banks. 小型投資者日益增長的緊張情緒也導致了一些銀行的擠兌。 Even a minor bank run could bring down the system. 即使是小規模的銀行擠兌也可能導致系統崩潰。

